ComedyCalls Sent: 13197195
Call using our number, your number, or even the recipients number! What's weirder than getting a call from yourself?!
We will make the call for you at whenever is the perfect time you choose!
A short ad may play at the end of a free Comedy Call. But with credits, this ad is automatically removed. is a fun site which allows the user to call just about any phone number with a variety of pranks, jokes, and other content we (and hopefully the recipient) find funny or useful. What if you don’t think we’re funny? Find out how to STOP UNWANTED CALLS by clicking here. first started with the now classic Rick Roll prank, and has grown to what it is today, with multiple CallSpin sites, an extensive array of content to send, and much more to come!
On launch day of April Fools, 2008 ComedyCalls rickrolled over 30,000 people and has placed over one million calls since.
ComedyCalls is totally free to try out! It will not cost the person receiving the call either, unless for some reason it costs money for them to receive a call, which is almost always not the case. However, we suggest you double-check with the recipient before using any of our outbound calling sites.
After trying it out you are invited to purchase additional call credits for peanuts. Well, not for peanuts, but for pennies anyway. The more you buy, the cheaper they are, so stock up - call credits never expire!
Once someone (or something) picks up the phone, the message starts to play. Some voicemail and answering machine systems can take quite some time before they actually start recording a message, and by that time your selected message may be done playing. There is no definite answer as to what they will hear.
The best way to ensure your victim will get the call is to schedule it when you know they will pick up, or better yet use your phone number as the caller ID, so they will think it is actually you calling!
If your PayPal email address is different from the email you used to create an account or log in, they won't show up in your account. After you make a purchase, please try logging in with your PayPal email address and leave the password blank. If you're still experiencing problems, please contact us!
In some cases when a call is placed that looks like it's coming from their own phone, the cell provider (Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T) thinks that it's the owner of that number trying to access their own voicemail. This is something that we cannot circumvent, sadly. Please check before sending a call that your recipient is not on any of these networks before using that feature. All other features work perfectly, however!
We're sorry if you have received an unwanted call from the site. This site is not an automatic dialer which means every call placed was originated by someone who knows your phone number. To help alleviate abuse, we have implemented a DO NOT CALL list that will prevent your number from being dialed by any site we are associated with, permanently. Click here to place your number on the DO NOT CALL list.
ComedyCalls Sent: 13197195